Electrostatics: Electric Field, Electric Force, Potential Energy, Electric Potential (voltage)

What sign is this charge?
- positive
- negative
- neutral

What sign is this charge?
- positive
- negative
- neutral

Where is the electric field strength the greatest?
- at point A.
- at point B.
- it is the same at both points.

Where would a negative charge feel less force?
- at point A.
- at point B.
- same at both points.

Which point has the greater electric potential (voltage)?
- at point A.
- at point B.
- same at both points.

Which would feel a greater force at point A, a proton or an electron?
- a proton.
- an electron.
- same force on both.

Which charge is bigger?
- The one with arrows in.
- The one with arrows out.
- Both have the same amount of charge.

What is the sign of the left charge?
- positive
- negative
- neutral

Which charge experiences the greatest electric field?
- -2C
- 1C
- 2C
- -1C
- Same for all

Which charge feels the greatest magnitude of force: the –2C or the 2C?
- -2C
- 2C
- same on both charges.

In constant field equations (non-kc) is this field + or -?
- positive
- negative

If the 2C charge is released, will it gain or lose potential energy?
- Gain energy.
- Lose energy.
- Its energy will not change.

If the –1C charge is released, will it gain or lose potential energy?
- Gain energy
- Lose energy
- Its energy will not change.

When released, which way will the positive charges move?
- Left
- Right
- Up
- Down

When released, which way will the negative charges move?
- Left
- Right
- Up
- Down

Which way would you move the –1C charge for it to gain PE?
- Left
- Right
- Up
- Down

Which way would you move the 1 C charge to increase its PE?
- Left
- Right
- Up
- Down

Which charge has the most electric potential?
- The positive charge.
- The negative charge.
- They are equal.

Which charge has the greatest electric field at its current position?
- The positive charge.
- The negative charge.
- They are equal.

Which way does the electric field point?
- Up
- Down
- Left
- Right

If the + charge is moved to B, does it gain or lose PE?
- Gains.
- Loses.
- There is no change.

If the + charge is moved to B, does it gain or lose voltage?
- Gains.
- Loses.
- There is no change.

If the − charge is moved to A, does it gain or lose PE?
- Gains.
- Loses.
- There is no change.

If the − charge is moved to A, does it gain or lose electric potential?
- Gains.
- Loses.
- There is no change.

If the + charge moves to point A, does it gain or lose PE?
- Gains.
- Loses.
- There is no change.

If the charged plate are brought closer together, will the voltage between the plates increase or decrease?
- Increase.
- Decrease
- There is would be no change.

Where is the electric field the weakest?
- Point A.
- Point B.
- Point C.
- Same for all points.

Where is the electric potential the strongest?
- Point A.
- Point B.
- Point C.
- Same for all points.

Where is the electric force the strongest?
- Point A.
- Point B.
- Point C.
- Same for all points.

Which quantities are zero at the midpoint between two equal charges?
- Electric force
- Electric force and electric field
- Electric force and electric potential energy
- Electric force and voltage
- Electric field and voltage
- Electric field and potential energy
- Electric force, electric field, and electric potential energy.

What is the magnitude of the total electric field at point P?
- 0
- 2
- 3
- 6
- 9
- 12
- 18

What is the magnitude of the total electric force at point P?
- 0
- 2
- 3
- 6
- 9
- 12
- 18

What is the magnitude of the total voltage at point P?
- 0
- 2
- 3
- 6
- 9
- 12
- 18

What is the magnitude of the total electric field at point P?
- 0
- 2
- 3
- 6
- 9
- 12
- 18

What is the magnitude of the total electric potential at point P?
- 0
- 2
- 3
- 6
- 9
- 12
- 18

What is the magnitude of the total electric field at point P?
- 0
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 9
- 16

What is the magnitude of the total voltage at point P?
- 0
- 1
- 3
- 4
- 8
- 9
- 12
- 17

What is the direction of the total electric field at point P?








What would be the direction of the force on a + charge placed at P?








What would be the direction of the force on a − charge placed at P?








What is the direction of the electric field at point P?








What is the direction of the electric field at point P?








Which way would a − charge move if placed at point P?








What is the direction of the electric field at point P?








Which way would a + charge move if placed at point P?








If the top charge is moved to point B, how would the magnitude of the net electric field change at point P?
- Increase
- Decrease
- No change

If the top charge is moved to point B, how would the total voltage change at point P?
- Increase
- Decrease
- No change